A brief & random index
A: I took a job with one of my clients, Alerio, just in time for the death rattle of web IPOs and my dreams of early retirement with it. The coding team hated everything I did. My corporate palate had eight colors which deeply disturbed them. This was back when the web was still fun (Nosepilot), the Sony catalog looked like the future, and my ultimate ambition was to own a VW Microbus. Much like everyone’s dazzling future, it was never released. This is all I have to say about the letter “A”.
B: In the aughts, I had a design studio called Bleushift. As in Cordon Bleu. While it was alive, it ruled. If you don’t understand Roberto Bolaño, then I know that we will never really be friends. I sometimes moonlights as a bartender. It forces me to multi-task. I love black manhattans. I made a short film called 92 or Bruce Lee.
C: carolking.com, which I’ve owned since 1997 (the name is a curse). Corporate work hasn’t been my specialty but I’ve done a fair amount of it anyway. If you find your way to Charlotte, NC go to Cabo Fish Taco.
D: David Selib is my partner in crime in everything I do and is an incredible painter. I did a lot of work for DMX, a predecessor to Mood Media. I made a short film called Dangerous World.
E: I give as much money as I can to the Sheldrick Wildlife Foundation for Elephants. I also made some cool elephant t-shirts.
F: Francis Schwartz collaborated with me on the music for my short film, Dangerous World. I also worked with him on his website and a few of his videos. My studio became intertwined with a local TV production called The Freezer Show. I designed the set and all the graphics. Every Friday night my crew showed up to operate cameras and do sound. We did a weekly interstitial called Robot Living’ Life. It was low rent and slap dash and a hell of a good time. I miss those guys. The only tequila I drink is Fortaleza.
G: I worked closely with Greene Contemporary art gallery from its inception. It was a worthy project but the art world is a bitch. I was sad to see it close. I drink a lot of Greek wine. It’s an underappreciated category, probably because no one can pronounce the names.
H: I’ve worked for about a decade with the Hunterdon Art Museum. I can’t even think about posting all the projects I’ve done. The only thing I’ve ever tweeted was Rest In peace, John Hurt.
I: I’ve done a lot of work with Infinite Space Theatre Company which has recently relaunched in Statesville, North Carolina. Two people I can’t live without.
J: One of my dreams is to visit the Jura.
K: King Charlemagne. It’s what I think of when I get depressed about my name. He was self taught, too.
L: Lime Green. Not a project or a client, but worth mentioning as it makes every color palate better and has caused me much trouble in the past with conservative clients who can’t get past their reflex blue aesthetic. Also, for no reason, I need to mention John Lurie.
M: Montreal, where I am staying for the next 6 months.
N:I did a lot of design work with New College in Sarasota and was part of a think tank created for thoughts on its future. That was a long time ago. Ironic, considering what’s happening now. On a different note, Anatomy of Norbiton.. I can’t. Just of read it.
O: Octopus with Wine. See for yourself.
P: For seven years I ran a wine shop in Cambridge called Porter Square Wine & Spirits that had the deepest selection of small production wines from all over the world as well as a multitude of sakés, mezcals, amari, whiskeys, sherry and vermouths. It was hard to leave. I have no where to shop.
Q: Can we just remember QuarkXpress? It used to be the industry standard and was an excellent program now seemingly abandoned for InDesign. I’m an Adobe poster child, but, just sayin’.
R: In 2018, I partnered with some friends to open a restaurant called Ravello Italian Kitchen. The eighty hours a week I was working were a lot of fun and almost broke me. I love restaurant work. There’s just no money in it. I also did a lot of work with the Ringling Museum of Art and worked with the Ringling School of Art & Design mentoring students and reviewing portfolios for nascent graduates. I lived in Rome for a while and go back as often as I can manage.
S: My studio worked with the Sarasota Film Festival for four years crating every aspect of the festival event materials including all print, digital and video work. I’ve also done work with my dear friends, Sabrina Small, and the late John Sims who we lost late last year.
T: In 2002, I got second place in a t-shirt design contest for This American Life. My attachment to this show at the time could not be overstated. I spent some time teaching English and art in a small village in Tanzania.
U: I listen to a lot of Unloved.
V: Vermouth , another misunderstood beverage.
W: Wine Bunnies. It will steal your soul. Also, Chris Ware.
X: Xinomavro, obviously.
Y: The Yankees. Just kidding. I don’t give a shit about sports.
Z: I had a cat named Zero. He travelled the world with me. He lived to be 21 and used to get acupuncture treatments. (His sister was Peety. She’s gone, too.)
NOTE: Please excuse any broken links. I’m working on it.